A note from the founder:
”Gabe has an invaluable role in Community as Therapy.
The interviews I conduct often take place with people from a variety of diverse backgrounds, sometimes including those in extreme or precarious circumstances. It is incredible to watch people feel immediately safe and comfortable around Gabe. This likely comes from the deep authenticity and lack of judgment he carries into every interaction.
Gabe makes genuine care and connection effortless. He brings a value of intense ethics with direct intention to provide resources and tangible help to up those in vulnerable positions to make sure they receive the proper care they need. Gabe is one of the most genuinely competent, connective and ethical people I know.
He has assisted in the post production of community as therapy as well, including feedback on edits, and what content may or may not connect with the audience. He has also produced immense value in branding — designing a website, a logo, all to help take Community as Therpay to the next level.
He continues to provide value in assisting to expand the mission of community, helping organize retreats, resources and services offered by Community as Therapy. I am beyond grateful to have him on my team. ”